Backstage pass game guide
Backstage pass game guide

They initially genuinely dislike one another but then may come to see they made some mistaken assumptions about each other and reconcile. Belligerent Sexual Tension: Sian and John play around with this trope.With Sian’s help, he can become more confident, though not anywhere near his professional persona.

backstage pass game guide

  • Becoming the Mask: Subverted with Matthew – he acts very cool and professional when in “work mode,” but is very shy and jittery otherwise.
  • This also includes minor characters like Rachel the camerawoman and enthusiastic extra Allison.
  • Backstory: Almost all of the named characters have well-defined backstories, though you won’t see all of them in a single playthrough.
  • They decided they were Better as Friends due to some distance and work issues and remain very good friends in every ending. It only comes up if Sian is romancing the former, when the latter warns her that John will always put acting first – as he had done during their relationship.
  • Amicable Exes and Working with the Ex: John and Lloyd.
  • backstage pass game guide backstage pass game guide

    This actually gets her eliminated in the first round of the show round since the argument was filmed, and is framed in such a way that Nicole looks unprofessional for losing her cool, despite not being the one to initiate the argument. She gets really mad however when another model on the reality TV show she's been booked for assumes her relationship with Sian is just a gimmick to boost her career, and then to insult Sian, causes Nicole (and Sian) to lose her temper at the other model. All of the Other Reindeer: Nicole tends to get treated quite badly by other models, enduring jabs about her height, her relative lack of success in her career, or about her supposed relationship with Matthew Midnight, though she's usually able to give as good as she gets.Acclaimed Flop: An in-universe example: Vice / Versus, after being Screwed by the Network and not renewed for a second season.

    Backstage pass game guide